May 10, 2008

And a few more...

I will answer yet a few other questions I have been asked (the more you ask, the more details will you get)...

What kind of games were in the Hari (dragon boat racing)?
Not something unusual - shooting targets with air gun, throwing rings to poles, mini bowling... this kind of stuff... very usual.
The thing that surprised me most is the fact that there were LOTS of Americans there - Apperently, the soldiers are really into this Hari thing, and lots of them compete, and have teams of their on - so the number of Americans was almost as big as the Japanese...

What kind of food is there in Okinawa?
Well, most of the places to eat are Okinawan/Japanese food. It is easy to find some western places - Grill and steak houses. Obviously - Mc'Donalds is quite strong here too, KFC is available too. They also have their own network of Hamburgers - MOS Burger. It is not bad.
Besides that I saw an Italian place, and a french place, but it is quite rare. There are some Pizza places. About chinese food - I didnt see a Chinese restaurant (although I am sure I can find, I didn't really look for one), but some of the food that is served in Japanese places here is deeply influesed from Chinese cuisine... So it is close enough :)
And if we were talking about food - one of the things I was worried about is Chocolate - I thought that it would suck here! It doesn't, thank god! lol!
Though a good cup of cofee is not so easy to find...

Have fun!

1 comment:

Eli said...

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